
Shiraz Hurtado

Montessori Educator, Ambiance 3-6 years

My vision : My great interest in Montessori pedagogy was developed by listening to the "path of life" of my three young children. Gestures, looks, actions, "listening to the world" have generated in me a questioning and a desire to know, to participate with them in the construction of a true education, and when I say this word, I want A word "in the making", respecting the development of the child, a word of exchange and reception, giving and receiving, as a hand extended to the child, this being at once so close and so Ahead of us.
The work of Maria Montessori is all attention, a reflective and constructive attention, in which no cognitive data can be summed up in an abstract concept that is not determined by the action of the child. Yes, move from knowledge to understanding, from knowledge to existence, a pedagogy in which the child can reveal himself, a pedagogy where happiness arouses the desire to learn.

Degrees :

  • Masters in Plastic Arts
  • Master 2 in Aesthetics and Visual Arts Practices
  • Montessori Educational Diploma from the Montessori International Association, Paris, Atmosphere 3-6 years

Maria José Coutiño

English-speaking teacher 3-6 years

My vision : For me, to guide the child with gentleness and love towards his personal fulfillment is as much a privilege as a necessity to be able to create healthy and empathic societies. Maria Montessori's own vision helps guide and educate children while respecting their individual rhythm so that they can become self-reliant and confident individuals in a healthy and respectful structure.

Degrees :

  • Master of Letters (Bac + 5).
  • AMI  Montessori Assistants Certificate
  • Training in "Creating Empathetic Cultures" (Universal Education, with Pamela Cayton of Tara Redwood School, California).
  • Yoga for children and adolescents, Research on Yoga in Education, France (RYE).

Latest work experience :

  • Teacher of English and Spanish children, adolescents and adults, Grenoble
  • English teacher as volunteer in Ghana
  • Kindergarten Assistant, Tel Aviv, Israel

Patricia Grandvaux and Shiraz Hurtado were at the origin of the creation of the school in September 2015. This beautiful project was born thanks to a great confidence and the support of the families.

After two years of very fruitful collaboration, Patricia has left us for new perspectives abroad.

Thank you Patricia, good luck!